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World-Class Breathwork Facilitator
Spiritual & Quantum Mentor
Global Meditations Guide 
Advanced ThetaHealer®



Hello! I am Rommy

As a former economist and marketer executive of the corporate world, I must confess that I transformed my life. From feeling empty, confused, uncertain, sick, and burned out, to manifest a beautiful reality suffused with harmony, abundance, success, and wellbeing.


Today, I love sharing the tools I have learned to help others to experience healing, wellness, and awakening in a natural holistic way, and to reconnect with Nature.

Upcoming Events

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Private Sessions with Rommy

An instant dose of bliss, relaxation, and clarity. 

Tap into your Highest states, heal, rebalance.

Get out of your mind and acquire immediate peace, relaxation, detoxification, and oxygenation.


Heal your body, mind, and emotions. Boost your immune system.


Tap into your highest states of consciousness, experience shamanic journeys, emotional catharsis, and relief. Allow your body infinite intelligence to guide you. While listening to medicine music carefully curated just for you.

Breathwork Ceremony + Meditation


Psychic ThetaHealing® session

Beautiful in its simplicity! Reprogram your faulty beliefs, receive guidance, clean your auric field.

Move forward in your life with ease and grace by finding out the core faulty beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your life. Have them reprogramed in your Theta brain waves and experience instantaneous changes in yourself.

If needed, you may receive in the session: soul retrieval, energy cords-cutting, past lives regression, auric field cleansing, vows and oaths dissolution, messages, and guidance.

Breathwork +  ThetaHealing® + Meditation

Enhance your life!

Receive all the benefits of the Breathwork Ceremony with Meditation, plus a full one-on-one Quantum ThetaHealing session.

One of its kind! An exceptional value to heal and celebrate life.

What people say

"I was amazed by how powerful the breathwork practice was. I was able to tap into the circular breathing method quickly and connected deeply such that it felt as though time no longer mattered. Rommy was an experienced facilitator able to explain the power of breath and ensure I felt safe and supported throughout a powerful release process. After, I felt lighter and more blissful and most definitely will continue this practice as part of my spiritual toolkit."

– Selina S., USA-Bali

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